Hi there 👋, I'm

Nacho Gorriti
Software Developer
MERN developer
SWE student

Driven and dedicated to
delivering innovative

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About me

Nacho GorritiNacho Gorriti Doodle

My name is Ignacio but everybody calls me Nacho. I am from Argentina and I am currently in my fourth year of studying Software Engineering. As a software developer, I have experience working with languages such as Python, C++, and the MERN stack.

Currently, I am working on a project that involves the translation of sign language in real-time. As the project director, I am accountable for leading a group of software developers to develop a solution that can translate sign language gestures into text or speech accurately and in real-time.

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I invite you to reach out to me for any work opportunities, projects or questions you may have. I am always open to new challenges and am eager to collaborate with others. Let's connect and see what we can achieve together!



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